Synthetic data generation

The BizDataX Portal provides a way to generate synthetic data to cover scenarios where production data may not be available. How to do that is described on this page.

Table of contents
Synthetic data generation
     Picture steps
     Video steps

Synthetic data generation

From version 5.0.0, the process of Synthetic data generation is also possible in the BizDataX Portal, just by following the steps through the Wizard.

Prerequisites for this example are:

  1. Created Data source
  2. Imported Environment with an empty 'CreditCard_DataGenerationDemo' table.

Picture steps

  • Navigate to 'Plans' page and click on the + button to Create a data masking plan.

Plans page Figure 1: Plans page

  • Enter the Name of the plan and click on the 'Confirm' button with the 'Proceed with wizard' toggle set to On.

Create plan Figure 2: Create data masking plan

  • Wizard step 1 is displayed. Display columns of the CreditCard_DataGenerationDemo table by clicking the ˃ buttons. Select columns for which data should be generated. Column 'CustomerID' is a Primary key and it will be automatically generated.

Wizard step 1 Figure 3: Wizard step 1

  • Click on the 'Next' button. Wizard step 2 is displayed.

  • Select the 'Masking category' dropdown for each Table column and select 'Generator outputs - basic'.

  • As 'Masking value' select the following options:

  1. For the FirstName column - First name (User information generator)

  2. For the LastName column - Last name (User information generator)

  3. For the Email column - Email (User information generator)

  4. For the CreditCardID column - Credit card number (Credit card number generator)

  5. For Csc column - Random number in range (Number in range)

  6. For the ExpirationDate column - Date (Date in range generator)

Wizard step 2 Figure 4: Wizard step 2

  • Click on the Settings button for Csc column. The 'Generator details' is displayed. Insert the values within which the numbers will be generated (the minimum and the maximum value).

CSC Generator details Figure 5: Generator details for CSC column

  • Click on the Settings button for ExpirationDate column. The 'Generator details' is displayed. Insert the values within which the date will be generated (the 'from date' and the 'to date' values).

ExpirationDate Generator details Figure 6: Generator details for ExpirationDate column

  • Click on the 'Next' button. Wizard step 3 is displayed.

Wizard step 3 Figure 7: Wizard step 3

  • Click on the 'Next' button again. Wizard step 4 is displayed.

Wizard step 4 Figure 8: Wizard step 4

  • Click on the 'Finish' button. The plan overview page is displayed.

  • Right-click on the Job node and select the 'View job details'.

Plan overview Figure 9: View Job details

  • The Jobs page is displayed. Click on the 'Edit job' button. The 'Edit job' pop-up is displayed. Click on the 'Advanced view' toggle button and set it to 'On'. The new field 'Settings' is displayed. A JSON needs to be used to define the number of records that will be generated (in this example, 100):

      {"$type":"Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface.CompositeHandlerSettings, Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface","Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface.BulkCopySettings, Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null":{"$type":"Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface.BulkCopySettings, Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface","BatchSize":200000,"TableLock":null,"KeepIdentity":null,"Timeout":5400},"Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface.InsertSettings`1[[Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface.TableRecord, Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null":{"$type":"Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface.InsertSettings`1[[Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface.TableRecord, Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface]], Ekobit.BizDataX.DataMasking.Interface","NewItemsCount":100,"NewItems":null}}
  • Click on the 'Confirm' button.

Edit job - settings Figure 10: Edit Job - Settings

  • Navigate to the 'Overview' page. Click on the 'Publish data masking plan' button. A pop-up for publishing the plan is displayed. Click on the 'Confirm' button.

Publish plan Figure 11: Publish plan

  • Click on the 'View package' button. The 'Package details' page is displayed.

View package Figure 12: View package

  • Click on the 'Execute package' button. A pop-up for executing the package is displayed. Click on the 'Confirm' button.

Execute package Figure 13: Execute package

  • Wait for the execution to complete. Once it's complete, the 'CreditCard_DataGeneration' table should be populated with 100 new records.

Execution complete Figure 14: Execution complete

Video steps