Package execution

Except from the BizDataX Designer and the BizDataX Portal, packages can also be executed from the command line.

Table of contents
Package execution (BizDataX Designer)
Package execution (Command line WITHOUT recording execution details in the BizDataX Portal database)
Package execution (Command line WITH recording execution details in the BizDataX Portal database)


A BDX package is prepared.

Package execution (BizDataX Designer)

To execute the package from the Visual Studio click Debug -> Start Debugging (or press F5).
If the command line argument for restartablity needs to be included, see more on starting a restartable package execution.
Starting the package execution will start the project build process first, then in case of a successful result will launch a command line window in which the execution log will be seen.
The log can be monitored in the folder of the project as well. In the Solution Explorer right-click the project, select Open Folder in File Explorer, navigate to Bin folder -> Debug folder where the full and basic logs are saved.

Package execution (Command line WITHOUT recording execution details in the BizDataX Portal database)

This option does not record package execution details in the BizDataX Portal database. This can be the case when the BizDataX Portal is not installed.

  • Navigate to the folder where the package is.
  • Open the package folder.
  • Run packageName.exe.

If the parameters need to be included see the following examples:

Parameter value is a number or a word: packageName.exe --packageArguments argument1Name:argument1Value argument2Name:argument2Value

Parameter value has more than one word: packageName.exe --packageArguments "argument1Name:sample value sample" argument2Name:argument2Value

Parameter value has more than one word and one quoted word: packageName.exe --packageArguments "argument1Name:sample \"value\" sample" argument2Name:argument2Value

If the restartability mode needs to be included see the following example: packageName.exe --packageArguments argument1Name:argument1Value argument2Name:argument2Value --RestartabilityMode:Off

Package execution (Command line WITH recording execution details in the BizDataX Portal database)

Publish package to BizDataX Portal to register it.

Navigate to package details page. Check URL in browser to get ID of the project and the package.

E.g. http://localhost:9000/projects/1/packages/details/2 means that published package ID is 2 and project ID is 1.

To execute package from command line run following command: curl --ntlm --user : -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "[{\"name\":\"argument1Name\",\"value\":\"argument1Value\"}, {\"name\":\"argument2Name\",\"value\":\"argument2Value\"}]" "{BizDataXPortalAPIUrl}/api/projects/{projectId}/packages/{packageId}/execute"

E.g. curl --ntlm --user : -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "[{\"name\":\"RestartabilityMode\",\"value\":\"Off\"}]" "http://localhost:9001/api/projects/1/packages/2/execute"