Details of highlighted Block are shown on this page. In the details section, Name, Note and Run condition can be seen.
Figure 1: View Block details
To see the Block definition go to the previous page.
Table of contents |
Block list and details |
Create Block |
Edit Block |
Delete Block |
Generators |
Register generator |
Edit generator |
Delete generators |
Assignments |
Design Assignments |
A list of all blocks that have been created, together with their names, may be seen on the left side of this page (Figure 1: View Block details). Block can be set as Default. If Block is Default label ‘Default’ will be shown on the Block list.
The order of Block components in the overview list can be changed by the drag & drop method. To drag a component, hold the left mouse button on the component row and drag it to the desired order. If the order of components is changed in the list on the components overview list, their order is also changed in the database and execution list.
For each block, their Details are shown in the ‘Details’ section after selecting Block from the list. It contains information:
Name - Unique Block name
Note - Note with a description of the selected Block
Run condition - Condition that needs to be set for the block to execute. Possible Block run condition options are:
If no block run condition is evaluated to true, the default block will be executed (Run if no other blocks qualify). The default block run condition is ‘Run always’ and its custom condition is automatically set to ‘true’.
Status - Possible statuses:
Block can be created from the Masking definition page and also from this, View block details, page.
Figure 2: Create Block
Details for creating a new Block are described in the Masking definition - Create Block chapter.
All created Blocks can be edited. Details for editing Block are described in the Masking definition - Edit Block chapter.
Figure 3: Edit Block
If Block is not needed, it can be deleted. A confirmation message appears before deleting.
Figure 4: Delete Block
Each Block can be defined by one or multiple Generators (Figure 1.). A generator is a tool for generating data of various content and type. They have predefined inputs and outputs. A list of existing Generators can be found here.
On the Generators Overview List, basic information about the Generators of selected Block can be seen:
In the table menu, there are options to:
The order of Generators in the overview list can be changed by the drag & drop method. To drag a component, hold the left mouse button on the component row and drag it to the desired order. If the order of components is changed in the list on the components overview list, their order is also changed in the database and execution list.
A new generator can be registered by selecting the ‘Register generator’ button in the upper right corner of the section. It opens a pop-up window (Figure 5) for registering a new generator.
Figure 5: Register generator
To register a ‘Generator’, first populate mandatory fields: Generator name and choose Masking Definition or Add-on generator from the drop-down list:
When 'Masking Definition / Generator' is chosen from the drop-down list, Inputs and Outputs tabs will be open to entry fields that refine the process of the registered generator.
Once all information about the new Generator is entered, with the Confirm button Generator will be registered. To cancel the process of registering a new Generator, select the Cancel button.
Once Generator is created it can still be edited. Choose on table menu option Edit generator and the Edit generator screen will open. All fields are editable.
Figure 6: Edit generator
Once the Delete generator option is pressed, the Delete generator confirmation dialog pops up asking the user to confirm if he wants to delete the generator. After confirming with the Confirm button, the generator is permanently deleted.
Figure 7: Delete generator
Design assignments for Block is an action of linking generated data (Generator output, constant or custom) with the output of chosen Masking definition. Chosen masking value (masked data) then can be used in the masking process through Masking tasks.
Assignments are displayed by selecting the ‘Assignments’ tab.
In 'Figure 8.', Assignments of the selected Block are only displayed as read-only data in a form of a table. It contains information:
Figure 8: Assignments
Assignments can be designed by selecting the ‘Design assignments’ button in the right corner of the ‘Assignments’ section. This page contains a list of outputs of the Masking definition and a corresponding number of fields for assigning values to them.
Masking definition outputs can:
Figure 9: Design Assignments