Discovery findings - in more detail

Discovery findings list
Discovery finding details
Advanced options

Discovery findings list

If there are no discovery findings, the findings list is empty. The discovery findings are the result of the executed discoveries.

Findings list Figure 1: Discovery findings list

Discovery finding details

The default mode to display the discovery findings is the View mode. The mode can be controlled with the yellow Edit mode button in the upper right corner (Edit mode / View mode).

In View mode, the following can be done:

  • Expand row - with a click anywhere on the record, the record will be expanded
  • Expand sample data - get sample records by frequency to allow fast decision about sensitivity. Red are sensitive, black are not sensitive data.
  • Filter data - see advanced options.
  • Delete records - use checkboxes to delete more than one discovery finding at once.

Finding details Figure 2: Expanded discovery finding

As a result of expanding one record, additional data will be shown:

  • In data - if YES, discovery finding exists because data are potentially sensitive
  • In metadata - if YES, discovery finding exists because metadata (e.g. name of the column) indicates that data are potentially sensitive
  • Table record count - number of records in the table where discovery finding is detected
  • Sample size requested - sample size defined in the discovery rule
  • Sample size evaluated - number of data checked in the discovery process (the number is same as Sample size requested if the table contains more records as Sample size requested, else contains a number of records in a table)
  • Found in - lists other rules where this column is recognized as potentially sensitive
  • To be discussed - if YES, discovery finding requires later discussion
  • Note - note
  • Data sample - top 5 example records by frequency to allow fast decision about sensitivity. Red are sensitive, black are not sensitive data.
    • Retrieved at - last reach data moment from the database (data can be refreshed)

Sample data Figure 3: Sample data

In Edit mode, the following can be done:

  • Expand sample data - get sample records by frequency to allow fast decision about sensitivity. Red are sensitive, black are not sensitive data.
  • Needs review/Doesn't need review - mark the record for additional discussion
  • Set to Sensitive/Not Sensitive - the status can be changed with a click on the status badge as well.
  • Delete finding - use checkboxes to delete more than one discovery finding at once.

Edit finding Figure 4: Edit finding

Advanced options

Clicking the filter button in the upper right corner opens the possibility to adjust the displayed data.

Advanced options Figure 5: Advanced options