Changing the encryption key and initialization vector

The encryption key is used to encrypt/decrypt passwords from connection strings. The initialization vector is the initial value used to start an iteration.

To change the encryption key and the initialization vector, it is necessary to change the values of the initializationVector and/or encryptionKey nodes in the BizDataX Portal configuration file.

Encryption key and initialization vector generation

The encryption key can be any byte[32] value converted to the Base64 string format.

The initialization vector can be any byte[16] value converted to the Base64 string format.

Both the encryption key and the initialization vector must be in the Base64 string format.

Both the encryption key and the initialization vector are stored in the BizDataX Portal configuration file (located in the API folder of the installation directory (e.g., C:\inetpub\BizDataXPortal\API\Web.config)) in the authorizationConfiguration section.


    <section name="authorizationConfiguration" type="Portal.Business.AuthorizationConfigurationSection"></section>
  <appsettings file="AppSettings.config">
    <add key="EnableSimpleMembership" value="false"></add>
    <add key="cors:origins" value="http://localhost:9000"></add>
    <add key="log4net.Config" value="log4net.config"></add>
    <add key="log4net.Config.Watch" value="True"></add>
      <!--This key is used for ImportRunner and DiscoveryRunner-->
      <add userkey="50b8341d-eae1-4d1e-8e7d-479dc388f5f7"></add>
      <encryption initializationvector="rlttTVA5gtL6aEKAHrL+aw==" encryptionkey="Hc75CtXdL04BceD4cFgsJiwVf1KqnMxVxhpgKEQzhco="></encryption>