Pick US street from list

The Pick US street from list masking activity allows you to mask table places by replacing them with a value from the street picklists belonging to the United States of America.

This masking activity is functionally identical to the Pick street from list masking activity, but automatically chooses the United States as the country to pick street for.

Table of contents


To use the Pick US street from list masking activity, it must be placed inside a table masking activity or a similar activity that iterates over data. Once placed, you can choose the property you want to mask, and then select the type of data you want to replace it with. Furthermore, you can specify what subset of picklist data will be used to get the replacement values from.


Let's assume we want to mask street names in the Address table with ones from the United States. We can do this by first placing the Address masking activity, and then placing the Pick US street from list masking activity inside it. Then, we choose the Street column, and for the type of data to replace it with, we choose StreetName. We leave the picklist declaration as it is.

Pick street example Figure 1: US street masking


Property group Property name Description Example
Input properties DataItemProperty The property to mask. Write x => x.Street or choose property from the dropdown list
EnforceUnique If true, random selection should select unique values. true or false
Input: Filter Filter Expression used for filtering records - only filtered items will be masked. x => x.Street.StartsWith("A")
SkipDefaultValues If true, default values will be omitted in masking (i.e. null values are not masked). true or false
Input: Lookup LookupItems Items to use for random selection of parameters during masking. PickLists.WorldStreets.OnlyCountry("US")
LookupProperty Lookup item property whose value should be used as replacement value. lookup => lookup.StreetName
Input: Repeating RepeaterId The ID of the repeater that will be used to detect repeating and save results when masking item key repeats. StreetRepeater
RepeatingKey Key to use for repeating detection. Write x => CompositeKey.Create(x.Street) or choose properties from the pop-up window
RepeatValueOnly Whether repeaters should only save the used lookup value, and not entire lookup item. true or false
Misc DisplayName Display name of the activity in the workflow. Pick US street from list
Result Contains the masking definition object. It's a part of the masking infrastructure and should be ignored. -