Securing Portal using HTTPS

Securing BizDataX Portal using HTTPS can be preformed manually, using this guide.

Table of contents
Acquiring SSL certificate
BizDataX Portal API configuration
BizDataX Portal UI configuration
BizDataX Designer configuration

Acquiring an SSL certificate

An SSL certificate can be generally acquired in one of two ways:

  • Importing certificate signed by a certificate authority
  • Generating self-signed certificate

To generate self-signed certificate open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and select appropriate server connection. In the central menu navigate to IIS feature group and double click on Server Certificates feature. On the right side menu click Create Self-Signed Certificate... and input a user-friendly name such as bdxportal.ekobit.corp.

Configure BizDataX Portal API

For BizDataX Portal to work properly with HTTPS protocol API needs to be manually configured using steps provided below.

1. Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager configuration

Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select appropriate server connection and expand Sites list.

  • Select site BizDataX Portal API
  • On the right side menu, click Bindings... -> Add...
  • Set and confirm options as follows:
    • Type - HTTPS
    • Port - any port
    • SSL Certificate - previously acquired certificate
  • On the Bindings... menu select default HTTP binding and remove it
  • Click on the new HTTPS binding and select Edit...
    • Set Port to 9001, confirm and close all dialogs
  • Navigate to IIS feature group in the central menu and double click on SSL Settings feature
  • Check Require SSL checkbox

2. BizDataX Portal Web.config configuration

Locate the Web.config file in BizDataX Portal install location. Default path is C:\Inetpub\BizDataXPortal\API\Web.config. Change keys as follows:

  • Navigate to <configuration></configuration> section
    • Navigate to <appsettings></appsettings>
    • Replace
      <add key="cors:origins" value="http://localhost:9000"></add>
      <add key="cors:origins" value="https://localhost:9000"></add>
    • Save and close file
    • Navigate to <system.servicemodel></system.servicemodel> -> <bindings></bindings> -> <basichttpbinding></basichttpbinding>
    • Replace
      <binding name="servicesBinding" maxbufferpoolsize="2000000000" maxbuffersize="2000000000" maxreceivedmessagesize="2000000000">
          <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
              <transport clientcredentialtype="Windows"></transport>
      <binding name="servicesBinding" maxbufferpoolsize="2000000000" maxbuffersize="2000000000" maxreceivedmessagesize="2000000000">
          <security mode="Transport">
              <transport clientcredentialtype="Windows"></transport>
    • Save and close file

3. BizDataX Portal AppSettings.config configuration

Locate the AppSettings.config file in BizDataX Portal install location. Default path is C:\Inetpub\BizDataXPortal\API\AppSettings.config. Change keys as follows:

  • Navigate to <appsettings></appsettings> section
  • Replace
    <add key="PortalApiUrl" value="http://localhost:9001"></add>
    <add key="PortalApiUrl" value="https://localhost:9001"></add>
  • Save and close file

Configure BizDataX Portal UI

For BizDataX Portal to work properly with HTTPS protocol UI also needs to be manually configured using steps provided below.

1. Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager configuration

Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select appropriate server connection and expand Sites list.

  • Select site BizDataX Portal UI
  • On the right side menu, click Bindings... -> Add...
  • Set and confirm options as follows:
    • Type - HTTPS
    • Port - any port
    • SSL Certificate - previously acquired certificate
  • On the Bindings... menu select default HTTP binding and remove it
  • Click on the new HTTPS binding and select Edit...
    • Set Port to 9001, confirm and close all dialogs
  • Navigate to IIS feature group in the central menu and double click on SSL Settings feature
  • Check Require SSL checkbox

2. BizDataX Portal config.production.json configuration

Locate the config.production.json file in BizDataX Portal install location. Default path is C:\Inetpub\BizDataXPortal\UI\config\config.production.json. Change keys as follows:

  • Replace
    "apiUrl": "http://localhost:9001"
    "apiUrl": "https://localhost:9001"
  • Save and close file

Configure BizDataX Designer

For BizDataX Designer to work properly with BizDataX Portal its configuration needs to be manually updated as well. To configure it open Microsoft Visual Studio.

  • Select Tools -> Options -> BizDataX
  • Locate BizDataX Portal configuration group
  • Change Web API URL setting from
  • Save and close dialog