BizDataX Designer version upgrade

It is possible to upgrade BizDataX Designer from 4.2 version to 4.3 version without losing any data from the old version.

It is done in 6 steps:

  1. Uninstalling an old version of BizDataX Designer
  2. Installing a new version of BizDataX Designer
  3. Updating NuGet packages
  4. Starting a build
  5. Troubleshooting and resolving any errors
  6. Package execution and validation
Table of contents
Step 1: Uninstalling BizDataX Designer
Step 2: Installing new version
Step 3: Updating NuGet packages
Step 4: Starting a build
Step 5: Troubleshooting and resolving any errors
Step 6: Package execution and validation

Step 1: Uninstalling BizDataX Designer

First step of upgrading to a new version is uninstalling the old one from the system. BizDataX Designer can be uninstalled like any other program - for example, on Windows OS, it can be uninstalled from Control Panel, Programs and Features.

Control Panel Uninstall Figure 1: Uninstalling BizDataX Designer on Windows OS

Step 2: Installing new version

Installing new (v4.3) version is done by regular installation procedure described in the BizDataX Designer installation guide.

Step 3: Updating NuGet packages

If needed, NuGet packages and dependencies need to be updated for Designer to work properly.

The update is done manually, and in addition to the main NuGet packages update, their dependecies must also be updated manually. The equivalent action is to uninstall and reinstall the required NuGet package where the dependencies will be pulled automatically.

Instructions on how to install NuGet packages can be found here.

Step 4: Starting a build

To finish updating project to a new version, build the project.

Step 5: Troubleshooting and resolving any errors

If there are any errors, error analysis is built and errors need to be resolved either by independent work or seeking support from the BizDataX Team.

Step 6: Package execution and validation

After a sucessfull build and resolving any potential errors, packages can be executed and validated. The process is described here.