Create specification from rules

Creating or updating a specification from rules is a process that allows the creation or update of specification after the potentially sensitive data related to selected rules are discovered and marked as sensitive.

Create a specification from rules
      Export into the new specification
      Export into the existing specification

Create a specification from rules

Creating a specification from rules is a three-step process that begins by clicking the Export rules to specification button on the Discovery rules screen.

Only discovery findings marked as sensitive (red) can be exported in the form of a specification.

Export rules to specification Figure 1: Export rules to specification

In the first step, select rules from the list, from which the specification needs to be created or updated.

Select rules Figure 2: Select rules

The discovery rules can be exported in two ways:

  • Create a new specification - a new specification will be created and appropriate tables, columns, and fundamental data will be created, but not the masking algorithms. Columns will get fundamental data from rules, but assigning the masking algorithms will not be done.
  • Update an existing specification - This option will not create duplicates but will update existing columns with the corresponding fundamental data depending on the method to be selected: skip or overwrite. All other tables, columns, and fundamental data that do not exist will be created as if it were a new specification.

Export into the new specification

If you select to create a new specification, enter a new specification name.

Export rules to a new specification Figure 3: Export rules to a new specification

In the last step, a list of all items that will be exported to the specification will be shown. Items ready to be exported Figure 4: Items ready to be exported

Export into the existing specification

If you select to use existing specification, select one of the specifications from the list (in combo box will be shown a list of all available specifications - only specifications in status Draft can be selected). Export rules to an existing specification Figure 5: Export rules to an existing specification

When you select existing specification, additionally it is possible to select how to merge changes into the existing specification. There are two possibilities:

  • Skip - ignores current fundamental data values from rules and keeps fundamental data values from columns.
  • Overwrite - replaces current fundamental data values on columns with corresponding fundamental data from rules.

In the last step will be shown which fundamental data (FD) will be used - fundamental data from the selected specification or fundamental data from rules. Items ready to be exported Figure 6: Items ready to be exported

Export rules to specification process will only add or replace findings from selected rules but will not delete items that already exist in the specification.