
Company data is contained within WorldCompany instances and is mostly used in the Pick company from list and related, country-specific masking activities.

Each WorldCompany instance contains data concerning companies and contains the following information:

  • Company - Company name
  • Country - Country code

Below are a few examples:

Company Country
Allegheny Technologies US
Hormel Foods Corporation US
Omnicom Group US
Pneumobil GmbH DE
Organizacion Corona CO

A collection of all WorldCompany instances can be accessed with PickLists.WorldCompanies, an IEnumerable collection. In addition to the standard methods the Enumerable type offers, you can also use the following filtering methods:

  • OnlyCompany() - Returns only company names, without country codes, in string format

  • OnlyCountry(string country) - Returns companies from the country represented by the given country code