Load repeaters

The Load repeaters activity allows you to load values from multiple saved repeaters from the repeater database.

Table of contents


To use the Load repeaters activity, place it in your workflow. For the RepeaterIds, add an IEnumerable collection of repeaters ID's you want to load values from. If you are using repeater persistence on the fly, this activity is not needed and will automatically be skipped.


Let's assume that we are masking first and last names in the Customer table. We already masked the table in the past and saved repeater values in a database in case we ever need to mask these tables again. First we need to make sure our masking uses repeaters. Then we need to load the repeaters before the masking starts, so we place the Load repeaters activity before the Customer masking activity, and set the RepeaterIds property as new List<string>() { "FirstNameRepeater", "LastNameRepeater" } to load both repeaters.

Load repeaters example Figure 1: Loading repeaters before masking


Property group Property name Description Example
Input properties RepeaterIds The IDs of repeaters. new List<string>() { "FirstNameRepeater", "LastNameRepeater" }
Misc DisplayName Display name of the activity in the workflow. Load repeaters