Executing package

The package created in BizDataX Designer can be executed from the BizDataX Designer itself, from the command line, or published to BizDataX Portal and executed there.

Table of contents
Package execution (BizDataX Designer)
Package execution (Command line)
Package execution (BizDataX Portal)

Package execution (BizDataX Designer)

In Visual Studio, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging (or CTRL+F5). A console window will appear and, within seconds, all first names in CreditCard and Customer tables will have a different value. Check the database to confirm.

Package execution (Command line)

  • Navigate to the folder where the package is.
  • Open the package folder.
  • Run BizDataXPackage.exe.

Example: C:\Users\ekobit\source\repos\BizDataXPackage\BizDataXPackage\bin\Debug>BizDataXPackage.exe.
Check the database to confirm.

Package execution (BizDataX Portal)

A precondition is that the package is published to BizDataX Portal.

To start package execution from the BizDataX Portal, on navigation menu select 'Data Masking --> Packages' or select Data masking panel on project's dashboard screen.

Published package Figure 1: Published package

From the menu on the right, click View package details.

View package details Figure 2: View package details

The Package details screen shows details about the published Package and information about Steps and Parameters of the package.
Steps overview list shows two steps of a previously created masking flow.

Package details Steps Figure 3: Package details - Steps

Parameters overview list contains two parameters.

Package details Parameters Figure 4: Package details - Parameters

To start executing the package, press the red Execute package button on the right. Pressing the button opens a 3-step wizard.

In the first step, Package version is selected. The package in this guide does not have the required configuration for restartability, therefore there is no Restartability mode dropdown available on the first step of the wizard. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

Package execution step 1 Figure 5: Package Execution - Step 1

Since the package in this guide does not have the required configuration for restartability (and if it did, the package with configured restartability still needs to have a previously failed execution in order to display the second step), there are no registered iterators and the second step is skipped.

In the third step, Parameters of the Package can be viewed. This Package has 2 parameters. Press Finish to start package execution.

Package details step 3 Figure 6: Package Execution - Step 3

Package execution completed successfully. Check the database to confirm.

Package execution completed Figure 7: Package execution details